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This is the most familiar and simple substance. At the same time the water conceals many mysteries. Scientists still continue exploring the water, finding more and more interesting facts.
Every living animal and vegetable substance are composed of water: animals - 75%, fish - by 75%, jellyfish - by 99%, potatoes - by 76%, apples - 85%, tomatoes - 90%, cucumbers - 95 %.
If a person loses 2% water by weight of his body, then he has a strong thirst. If the percentage of lost of water increase to 10, then the person will start hallucinating.
With the help of water you can fight obesity. Eating out of beverages only water, you can greatly reduce the total caloric intake. Firstly, because the person stops high-calorie.
Acidity in the Body
What happens if the body is acidic? Find our how the pH of your body affects your health.
The pH of the body – Are you acidic?
The body regulates the pH of blood in a steady range of 7.35 – 7.45, if blood pH gets too low, the body has three ways to raise it:
Breath – Excess acidity can be exhaled in the form of carbon dioxide
Urine – Acidic wastes are filtered by the kidneys
Bone – The body takes calcium from the bones to neutralize acidity
Research suggests that bone density may be compromised by a ratio of high protein (acid forming) consumption to low vegetable (alkaline forming) consumption (Sellmeyer, D. E.)
Metabolic Syndrome and Acidity in the Body
Metabolic syndrome has been described as a “constellation of physiological screw-ups” which include:
High blood pressure
Insulin resistance
High Cholesterol
Kidney stones
Research performed at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center links the symptoms of metabolic syndrome (above) to an excessively acidic urine pH. The study shows that the lower your urine pH is, the more symptoms of metabolic syndrome you are likely to have. (Maalouf N. et. al)
Other problems associated with acidity in the body
Acid reflux is a painful condition that occurs when acidic stomach liquid backs up (refluxes) into the esophagus, causing irritation, inflammation and damage to the lining of the esophagus. Acidic foods are considered to be one factor in acid reflux.(N.A. Web MD)
Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies are related to arrhythmia, osteoporosis, migraine, and fatal myocardial infarction. A study on acid base status called Acid-Base Status Affects Renal Magnesium Losses in Healthy, Elderly Persons suggests that acidity in the body (referred to as net endogenous acid production) could be a factor in calcium and magnesium deficiencies. The list above is a partial list of problems that may be linked to acidity in the body. Research on the subject of acidity in the body is ongoing. (Rylander, R. and et al))
Is alkaline water right for you?
Everybody’s body is different, and acidity in the body is just one factor that can contribute to health issues. You should speak with your doctor if you are concerned about acidity in your body.